The Molecatcher - Warwickshire



"In all cases the best advice is to call me and we can then discuss 
the exact nature of your mole problem."

The simple rule, which I will apply to all Molecatching work, is that there is ‘No fee’ if I do not catch. In that sense the emphasis is completely upon me to prove my worth as a Molecatcher. I will take on any size of mole problem. I always endeavour to catch every mole active in the identified area of land. However, if any new activity is identified within two weeks of me lifting the traps I will resume trapping as a continuation of the original instruction. If re-infestation occurs after that time I have to treat it as fresh job. From experience any mole 'left behind' will reveal its presence within a few days and certainly well within that two week timeframe. 

I rely heavily on recommendations for future molecatching and, in my experience, that only comes from being fair, honest and effective with your mole problems.

Domestic Gardens:

Moles in Domestic Gardens can cause a surprising amount of damage. However, in gardens of an ‘average’ size, there will generally only be a small number of moles and frequently only one. For this reason I find that the most appropriate charge is a ‘First Mole’ Fee, followed by a set figure for each subsequent mole caught. You will pay nothing until I have started to catch. If our agreement is to remove all moles and prevent further damage then I will keep trapping until that is achieved.

 In these circumstances I charge £80 for the first mole,  £15 each for the next 4 moles and £10 each for any subsequent moles caught and removed. 

This arrangement will typically involve me doing the following:

  •     Initial Contact (Telephone) Advice / Assessment

  •      Visit 1 – “Set-up” – Site Visit / Assessment / Agreement / Traps set

  •      Visit 2 - Traps checked

  •      Visit 3 – Traps checked (Removed, if satisfied that moles are all caught)

  •      Further visits as necessary until mole damage has ceased …….


You do NOT pay for the number of visits but the number of moles caught. Whilst I cannot (No molecatcher can!) tell exactly how many moles will be present, I can place an agreed ‘ceiling’ on the cost if required and will either catch up to that sum (per mole rate) or to the point where no further mole damage occurs.


Neighbours Rates: 

It is often the case that mole problems overlap neighbouring properties. It makes complete sense, for both you and me, that the moles are controlled across both areas at the same time. If not, it is possible that the un-trapped moles will adjust their territories and appear in the area vacated by trapping. It also makes economic sense for me to trap and inspect both properties simultaneously, reducing my travel costs and time. For that reason I offer a ‘Shared, single set-up cost’. I produce a breakdown on the invoice showing the numbers of moles caught on each property to allow you to settle this between you. 

I encourage this approach because you will have better long-term results in reducing mole damage on your property. 

Agricultural / Commercial Rates: 

These rates typically relate to very large gardens, farmland, paddocks, sports fields, golf courses, churchyards, camp-sites and  commercial / business sites. 

Generally covering a larger acreage than domestic gardens, these sites are usually affected by more moles. Subject to your expectation from the trapping and the degree of infestation, I generally charge a 'Per mole Price' from the outset. 

Please note that in all cases I will work with you to agree a pricing 

plan that recognises your expectations and requirements. 


In all cases ‘No Fee’ is due until I have started to catch and, in all cases, the emphasis will be placed upon me to catch quickly and effectively.